Monday, September 10, 2007


I started getting lots of headaches again. This has been an issue in the past but corrected for the most part with acupuncture and chinese herbs. So I am not sure if its related to the Toxinout stuff but have stopped taking them. I will start up again later this week I suppose.

After paying all that money, I hardly want to waste em, you know?

Friday, September 7, 2007

And I have totally lost count of the days...

I do know what I finished the first month of the Colonix program because I ran out of pills. I have started the Toxinout program about 2 days ago.

Not sure why but I still have the fiber powder left so I also still drink that in the morning. My bowels are still regular but not the same as when I was drinking the tea. Like I mentioned before, I was getting apprehensive about the senna so I stopped drinking it.

2 days of the Toxinout..... nothing out of the ordinary. I am not sure what is suppose to happen. Well, obviously removal of toxins but I have no side effects listed at this point.

It could be said that I should have continued with the colonix an additional month but I really didn't feel it was necessary.

At this point, I feel this program is over priced. You can supplement your diet with high quality fiber at a lower price, that tea can be gotten at any health food store (just a different brand) and there are herbs for removal of parasites. There is no difference in my health to date.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Day.... whatever

My updates have not been frequent, I know. There really hasn't been much to update. I continue taking the program, my only adjustments have been reducing how often I drink the tea. I have not added the Toxinout program because I have not completed the Colonix yet.

No amazing things..... I continue to move my bowels but have to admit at this point I do not feel this program is worth the price. More later!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Day 20

Still nothing much different happening since last post. There was an evening I forgot to drink my tea and the next day I didn't have a bowel movement! YIKES! I am wondering if my system is getting to accustom to the tea so I am only going to drink it every other night. Will let you know how that goes.

I just noticed I said in the last post that I was going to add the Toxinout pills but I haven't. My bad. I am just going to wait on that.

I have decided since nothing major is happening, to change my plans. I am going to do the cleanse for one month using the colonix then the next month just the toxinout. This way I can use my other month supply in a few months time and experiment with that. I want to see if anything different happens after some time goes by.

You see those pictures on the websites and I think its sort of a let down when your bowel movements are nothing special. I did report some unusual looking poop but nothing like those horrendous photo's on the websites. And lately its just the same old normal looking poo.

See ya next report. :)

Monday, August 20, 2007

Day 18

Ok, so, same ole shit. Literally.

Nothing new to report. Yes the bowel movements come easy which is always a plus in life. My bowel movements look mostly like in the past, all that weird 'stuff' is gone.

I added the probiotics about 5 days ago. It was recommended taking them from the beginning but I wanted to keep things simple at first. If I see no changes, I am going to add the Toxinout pills too.

I can't say I have this big boast of energy. No weightloss either.

At this point I can say I am disappointed. BUT lets see how it goes adding the next step.

Wish me luck.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Day Nine

Nine days since I started taking Colonix.

Nothing new to report actually. No bad side effects, no unpleasant runs to the bathroom. I would still say my bowel movements are easy and the appearance still unusual. There are 'things' in there. I wonder for a second what I ate and nothing seems to match up.

I like to say I have more energy but my energy comes and goes. If it comes and sticks around, that will be something to write about.

A few people asked me why I am writing this so let me share my reason. When I was researching colon cleansing products, I came across blogs but it was always apparent that the company was behind the blog. Sure, they like to make you think some random person wrote it but then why so many advertising of the products on the pages?

So I am a random person who is not pushing the product I am using. If I find I got results, I will let you know. Trust me. I will only give my opinion if it is worth the high cost or not.

On with it and off to drink my tea!

Thursday, August 9, 2007

7 days later

This is the seventh day of my colon cleanse using Colonix. I am happy to say that there still are no urgent dashes to a bathroom! Talking to many people about doing these colon cleanses, that always seem to be the biggest concern. I agree, no one wants to have that worry, especially at work.

I do have a bowel movement first thing in the morning but no cramping prior. Still, nothing looks like those pictures on the Colonix website BUT there are odd things in there. No, I will not take pictures. Just can't do it, sorry. I do a quick look and flush away.

The little booklet that comes with the program said you can gain energy. It has felt like 100 degrees around here these past few days so I can't say I feel energetic, just drained from this intense heat and humidity. Though the heat makes it easy to drink all this water. They also list side effects from the process, fatigue, achy joints, headaches, ect. I have been getting headaches but that has always been an issue for me. I hope that this cleanse helps that out, even if its only a little.

So onward bound..... off to finish my morning routine of pills and fiber drink.